

Practice areas

Wealth law & taxation

Léa ZÉRILLI is a counsel, she practices with the « Wealth law & taxation » department.

She assists individuals and family groups in the context of restructuring transactions, asset transfers and optimizations in either a domestic or an international framework. She also works on the tax aspects pertaining to mergers & acquisitions transactions and on taxation disputes.

Léa ZÉRILLI was admitted to the Paris bar in 2010. She holds a master’s degree in Tax law and asset management from Paris II University and a business law diploma delivered by the EDHEC Business School. She joined DELSOL Avocats in 2015 and was promoted to counsel status in September 2020.

Léa ZERILLI contributed to the Encyclopédie par Doctrine (2024) on artists’ and sportspeople’s income.


3% tax : No right to make mistakes in case of incomplete or incorrect tax return !

A Ministerial reply of March 7, 2023 (RM Masson JOAN - n°4005) refuses to grant a regularization right to French or foreign companies owning real estate assets located in France that have filed incomplete or incorrect n°2746 tax return and reserves the administrative tolerance resulting from the Ministerial reply “Loncle” of March 13, 2000 to...


French non-resident individuals and French real estate wealth-tax

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the real estate wealth tax (“IFI”) mechanism applicable to non-French residents. However, it should be noted that each case is specific and must be analysed in details given the technical characteristics of this taxation. Read...


International succession : the new compensatory levy

Since the law of August 17, 2015, the settlement of an international succession is : (i) whether governed by the law of the State in which the deceased had his habitual residence at the time of his death ; (ii) or by the law of the State of the nationality of the deceased if he had designated it before his death as the law applicable to the...
