Legal news

New provisions for companies subject to the SYNTEC collective bargaining agreement (CBA)

After more than 18 months of waiting, the amendment of 13 December 2022 to the SYNTEC collective bargaining agreement (CBA) has finally been extended. From 1 July, it will apply to all companies subject to this CBA.

Extension of the scope of annual lump-sum working day (“forfait jours”)

For memory, this regime provides flexibility for employees classified as “autonomous executives”. Instead of being subject to a fixed number of hours’ work per week, they simply have an agreed number of days’ work per year (218). The regime can only be used if there is both a collective agreement providing expressly for it and an individual written agreement with the employee.

Under the SYNTEC CBA, can now be subject to an annual lump-sum working day clause :

  • executives who are, at least, under position 2.3. of the bargaining agreement ;
  • provided that they receive a salary at least equal to 122% of the minimum salary applicable to their classification (currently nearly 47.000 euros).

Previously, this clause only applied to executives with a minimum position of 3.1 or earning more than 2 PASS.

Simplification of the workload tracking requirements for employees subject to an annual lump-sum working day arrangement

Before the amendment was extended, the CBA required two annual interviews with these employees to monitor their workload.
With this new amendment, only one interview per year remains mandatory.

The appointment of a disconnection “referee

With this extension, companies with more than 250 employees must now appoint a “disconnection referee” whose role will be to raise awareness among employees and managers of the issues of disconnection, and to broadcast good practices about responsible connection.

The amendment also encourages companies to set up a warning procedure in the event of recurrent use of digital tools during rest periods.