News Wealth law & taxation


Impatriation bonus : the objective interpretation of the "similar functions" notion - Paris Court of Appeal, 16 March 2021, 19PA00956

A recent decision of Paris Administrative Court of Appeal clarifies the temporary personal income tax exemption of the impatriation bonus available to some professional sportsmen who are transferred to France to carry out their professional activity. As a reminder, the impatriate regime, codified in article 155 B of the French Tax Code (« FTC...


PRESS RELEASE - DELSOL Avocats advised the BAGE Group with the entry of MBO & Co in its capital

BAGE is a major player in the design, construction and maintenance of networks (energies, telecommunications and water supply). It reorganizes its capital and has chosen MBO & Co as its core shareholders. MBO & Co teams up with the historical shareholders and the management of the company, including Erwan BIHEL President and founder,...
